Saturday, February 20, 2016

Grateful Saturday

I am grateful I got to spend time last night with a lost friend. She is a special soul and I have learned much from her. I am thankful I have new organic makeup to use to help be feel better about myself. I am trying hard to slow down and appreciate what I have
 I need to do more, will do more to take care of myself from eating right, drinking right and taking care of my emotions.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Grateful Tuesday

I am grateful to have a job and nice people at my job.

I am grateful to have healthy and living kids.

I am grateful Joe worked out last night.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Day 1

Cannot stop eating, caramel rolls, candy, fruit cups, bread sticks ... You name it I have eaten it today. Hormones are all there which supports the pattern but hate it all the same.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Off course

Got off course after some recent company. Way over did it. Trying to recover and get back into good habits.

Need to take a break from dairy and sugar for a couple of weeks.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Grateful Saturday 2/6

I am grateful we can work as a family to get the house ready and that we are not so overwhelmed with activities that would not be possible.

I am grateful that my Isogenix shipment arrived prior to starting work. I can have a shake for lunch while I have a conference call with my new boss.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Grateful Friday 2/5

I am grateful for my last day of sleeping in. I am grateful for an awesome facial yesterday and having money to buy products.

I am stressed that Joe brought home news yesterday that I will have to be more of a project instead of a product manager. I need to understand the expectations for my role. What success looks like. I am a little disappointed that my first meeting with my new boss will be over the phone but shakes here I come at least for a little while. I need to relearn what hungry feels like and need to eat to live not to deal with stress.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Grateful Thursday 2/4

I am grateful for these last couple of days with no work responsibilities. I am grateful my husband has given me time just for me.

I am worried about starting work and keeping it all together. Eating, working out, keeping up with the kids, maintaining their schedules. What if I cannot keep up with work. First time as an employee in five years.

My plan is to work out in the morning. I plan to use the shakes to figure hunger. I don't know how to transition of them but they are so expensive I will have to. I am trying not to worry about that yet.