Thursday, December 24, 2015

Sqishy belly

Today Vincent asked me if I had a baby in my tummy because it was so squishy.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

week 1

Staying home is difficult. Depression creeps in more often when you don't have more to do then housework and photos. I try to play more with the kids and that is fun but then I feel guilty I am not doing more "work".

I have been working out about 5 days a week anywhere from 30-50 minutes a day. I did a four mile run on Sunday. I am sure that is the only thing keeping me sane right now. I try to eat healthy. In the mornings I can do okay but the rest of the day forget about it. I know what I should do but I am to depressed, lazy, cheap or any other negative adjective to make make healthy food. Part of me feels like I am not worth it and I am the only that will eat it. Joe makes it sounds so easy. Just eat Paleo and we will all feel better except the kids rarely touch it and are only happy with tacos, chicken nuggets, burgers or pancakes.

For sure I feel a lot more bloated with bread and cheese. These are my nemesis.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Blogging for Health

"In general I tell people to add instead of remove. When you add something, something else naturally has to fall away. Plus you’re focusing on an action you CAN do versus trying NOT to do something you’re already in a strong habit of doing." from David Dellanave

I am going to focus on eating good fats, vegetables and fruit at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am going to work out three days a week. I am already enrolled in Laura's bootcamp and I did PiYo today. I am also going to try to drink more tea and more water. Finally I am going to get more sleep...going to bed at nine will make me feel better and be a better mom.

What happens when you commit

1) To find peace and joy everyday.
2) To be present with my family everyday.
3) To get ahead of the clutter, laundry and dishes.
4) To be a role model

1) Read new books
2) Take baths with bath oils
3) Play games with kids
4) Go for a walk
5) Do yoga
6) Run on the treadmill for 15 minutes

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Joe cannot do bread

Joe got sick again tonight. Over the last couple of weeks it has been multiple times in a week. He thinks it is definitely related to bread.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sugar Free Journal

Day 1
I am little skeptical this work any better then any other diet that we have been on the last couple of years. It started with promising to eliminate certain sweeteners and sugars from your diet. I am definitely craving more to eat and am trying to drink water, tea and soup to help that.
- I also have been very nervous and uncomfortable with Michelle's mastectomy. It reminds me of my mom and I want to be there to help. It sounds like just words so we are trying to think of ways to support her and the family from here.
- I do very much want to be able to say no to mindless grazing, finishing an entire loaf of garlic bread, eating an entire loaf of cinnamon bread or just cannot stop eating. I have gained 10+ pounds since we went off paleo before Thanksgiving. When we were doing Paleo I slept awesome, was hungry all of the time but felt good, had better focus and overall less guilt.
- I also think it would be good for the kids...they are getting used to frozen pizzas a couple of times a week, and lots of other yucky packaged food that are full of preservatives. They deserve to develop good habits dependent on whole food. I want them to reach for vegetables and fruit instead of chips. I want them to not use bread as a comfort food but instead talk about their problems.
-   I am not trying to eliminate dairy at the same time because I really want this to be a long term commitment. First sugar and grains and move on from there.
- I am also trying to commit to exercise periodically because that makes me feel better too.

By the end of the day totally cheated although stopped eating by seven. It was Joes bday, lost my temper with the kids too.

Day 2
Did not eat any added sugar but I did have three pieces of homemade bread. It was yummy. I was super tired this morning so Mollie and I watched cartoons for two hours. It was glorious. Later on sore I feel like an old lady. I made paleo Kung Pau chicken the kids hated and the grownups loved.

Michelle made it home, tired and sore but there. I am thankful she is through the first part of the journey. Praying for good test results now. We have not heard anything about those yet. 

Day 3 gave up